Prof's (Stephen) Welcome

So I am stuck in immunology one morning thinking about how much I hate sitting in class when I hear my friend Jack start talking about going on a hiking trip this summer. I didn't know Doc (Jack) also was a hiker. I immediately asked him about it and a plan quickly came together. We would do a 400 mile section hike on the AT from Pearisburg, VA to Harpers Ferry, WV.

What are my reasons for wanting to go on this hike? Why not take a trip and get lost in the woods for a while? (Mom that was rhetorical, stop trying to change my mind) I'm adventurous. I've always been drawn to new and exciting people, places, and ideas. My family went on a trip to Yellowstone once when I was little and looking back I'm sure my parents were exhausted by me during that trip. I was 12 years old and practically sprinted down every path I saw. I wanted to see what was around the next tree, what adventure awaited me. Fast forward to present day, I still have that same excitement. During the last hiking trip I went on, the guy who went with me grumbled because I was up every morning watching the sunrise and taking down the tent around him. I all but dragged him down the trail.

The other reason is part of the inspiration to the title of our blog, the escape. I spend all day, every day plugged in. From waking up and checking my email and twitter to doing online homework, I spend most of my day plugged in to electronics. The information barrage is draining and it turns you into a slave to stimuli. Honestly. I'm surprised I have any patience left.  I'll get more into this later though.

Thank you for starting this adventure with us and I hope you enjoy our writings. Please feel free to share feedback with us as we continue preparing and eventually begin our travels.


"It feels good to be lost in the right direction"


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