Day 10 - Cloud forest and humidity - Prof

The rain continued through the night and into this morning. Everything was soaked this morning even if it didn't get rained on it was still wet. I probably carried and extra 3 lbs because of the dampness. The cool weather was nice for hiking right away this morning although it was a bit slippery. The first half of the day was a bit eerie though because there was a couple low clouds that were choking the mountain tops. At one point I walked out from the trail on to a road that was supposed to have scenic overlooks on either side. I though I was going to walk off the edge of the world. 

There was a beauty to the dampness though. All the flowers and plants had such healthy and alive colors that I stooped to appreciate them several times. 

As the morning continued on the fog and clouds passed and I got a chance to see the view I had been missing. It seems like I'm rewarded at least once a day with a view that amazes me. 

Soon after the sun came out and it went back to being hot and muggy. I met up with Doc again near a shelter this afternoon and we decided to push on to a campsite further down the road. After another 3 miles we came out to a road and got a shuttle to a nearby campground. While waiting with Bodybag and her dog Zombie (I know they sound menacing but they are both really nice) we were looking at this flowing creek. We got to see a cool site of this watersnake swimming and diving  in a pool backed up by a rock. It was a beautiful snake and also not venomous so we were able to relax a bit. 

The campground was amazing because they had cheeseburgers and ice cream. After we ate supper we got a ride back to the trail and found a campsite for the night. We started a fire and several more people joined around. We had a really good conversation around the fire with Clicks and Two Dogs. They had just got back from Trail Days so they had some crazy stories to tell. 

As I'm laying down to sleep I vaguely hear rumbles of thunder in the distance. I had heard we were to have a chance at rain tonight and all day tomorrow. I hope it stays off. I have some clothes that still aren't dry. Well, it's late for me so goodnight everyone and make sure you comment if you have a question. 



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