Trail day 3 - Rocks EVERYWHERE - Jack

Trail day 3 - May 15, 2017
Mile 658.6 - 673.2
Baileys gap shelter to Laurel creek shelter
14.6 miles

Good news! We pet a dog today!

Woke up a little late today, and didn't get on the trail until close to 9. We hadn't had service all day so we checked our phones and called our mothers to let them know we weren't dead! (Yet) our hike today was much harder terrain wise than our hike yesterday, thus we hiked less miles. We started off pretty easy with some PUDS (Pointless ups and downs) and then came to a very long downhill. The downhill portions hurt your knees, so we were feeling sore coming into lunch. After lunch we had a 2.5 mile, 2500 feet in elevation uphill climb that was absolutely brutal. It was 77 degrees out mid afternoon and the trail I swear seemed vertical to us. Oh and did I mention there were rocks everywhere? The type of rock large enough that it disrupts your hiking rhythm, and gives you some gnarly blisters! Nevertheless, we powered through and came on to Kelly's knob


This view was much more stunning in person I swear. We took a short break, and got back to it. Ahead of us was a long, steep, and narrow hike down to the next shelter. Quickly set up camp, ate dinner, talked with a few other hikers, and now am in bed. 

Highlights from the day include watching an ant colony pick up crumbs of my poptart and bringing them back to their hole in the ground. I swear I wated this for half an hour while eating/lounging in camp this morning. We also saw a few large lizards sunning themselves on the trail, and the scurried off as we walked by. It's interesting how much the terrain changes with the elevation. Something as simple as the color of the dirt, the type of rock, or the different foliage can make it seem like you've entered another biome. 

I may stop posting these, as they don't seem to be very accurate. 


  1. I love when you post this!!!! Keep posting Mothers love this I watch everyday the steps I take and stairs!!!!


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