Trail day 7 - Mcaffes Knob - Jack

Trail day 6 - May 19, 2017
Four Pines Hostel to Campbell Shelter
Mile 702.4 - Mile 712.7
10.3 miles

Sorry I skipped yesterday!

We were enjoying our time in the hostel so much I skipped a post. To sum up our day: got in early, petted some dogs, ate pizza, drank beer, ate a huge dinner, chatted with new friends, and made a massive fire!

Anyways, the miles seemed to fly by today which is unusual. We went 10.3 I believe, and it was hot and humid again. However we had a thunderstorm roll through and it was LOUDDDDD. Being on the mountain during that was a little scary, and we were climbing up. The rain cooled us off and got rid of some of the humidity. We then stopped at Mcaffes Knob. 


Not much to say about it except for wow. 


Bonus picture of everyone hanging around the hostel!

We got to camp early which allowed us some down time to nap, and read a book. We felt like we could have pushed a few more miles, but I'm glad we decided to stay. Why rush it?


The hostel was in someones garage! 


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