Trail day 27 - The Roller Coaster - Jack

21.6 today! Much better than yesterday, however we actually meant to do 25 today. 

We found a sweet campsite along a creek with a great firepit. Naturally I started a fire and cooked over it! Tonight we'll fall asleep to the sound of running water. 

The miles flew by today, and it's cool to see how far we can push ourselves now that we're in peak hiking shape. I think we're at the point where 20 mile days no longer phase us. We both felt good enough to continue on today. 

Today we began the roller coaster, an accurately named section of trail with very, very steep ups and downs. We are camped towards the beginning of it, and will camp just shy of Harpers Ferry tomorrow! 

Yes that means on Saturday WE'LL BE DONE! 29 days and 383 miles. 

Wow. Just wow. What a journey it has been. It seems like literally yesterday we were camped at rice field shelter and it was our first night on trail. But we've been out in the woods just shy of a month. 1/12 of our year. It's absolutely unbelievable how fast time flies. 

I'll reflect on this more when we're done. I'm also eager to share what I took away from this trip. I feel I've been holding alot back, and keeping my thoughts to myself. 

Anyways, we're sitting around a roaring fire, and it's just us two in camp again tonight. I'm excited for what tomorrow will bring, and we anxiously await the finale of this amazing journey. 


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